Team and Project Contribution

The team group 6 consists of two members Yash Kumar and Verneet Singh.

The contribution of both the members was very important in building the wonderful piece robot by spending sleepless nights specially during the last days. There were many things made, then destroyed, coded, then removed, etc but the spirit was never low. We worked on designing algorithms and functions that could be used for the robot.

The contribution by each of them has be listed below:

Yash Kumar

Designing the initial main function of robo executable.

Initializing the sensors and actuators and their functioning.

Basic move straight and turn functions with synchronization using threads.

Color and sonar sensor calibration.

Obstacle dropping mechanism.

Gitlab and README files, final report.

Verneet Singh

Designing the advanced move straight function with calibration.

Rotating the robot with precision advance level.

Color and sonar sensor calibration.

Designing the website

Designing the robot model.

Obstacle protection model.

A few class notes.